October 2018 archive

Red Ribbon Week

Don’t forget this week is Red Ribbon Week. This is an annual event to raise awareness and encourage our kids to have healthy habits. We will have themed dress up days to add a little fun to the week!

Monday- Wear red

Tuesday- Wear your favorite team jersey

Wednesday- Wear dress code appropriate PJ’s

Thursday- Wear crazy socks

Friday- Wear Roughneck spirit colors

Student Led Conference Sign Up

Please sign up for the conference that will be held October 30th. Each student will participate in the conference, so please try your best to make it. The day is jam packed, so please be on time. When you sign up please include your child’s name.

Click the link below to sign up.


New Spelling Words

Practice these words this week. Have your child spell them orally as well as write them.

What  When  Were  All  But

We will test on Friday over the following 10 words:

what, when, were, all, but, or, by, one, had, not