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Student Led Conference Sign Up

Please sign up for the conference that will be held October 30th. Each student will participate in the conference, so please try your best to make it. The day is jam packed, so please be on time. When you sign up please include your child’s name.

Click the link below to sign up.


New Spelling Words

Practice these words this week. Have your child spell them orally as well as write them.

What  When  Were  All  But

We will test on Friday over the following 10 words:

what, when, were, all, but, or, by, one, had, not




Weekly News

Our reading groups are up and running. This means your child will bring home a leveled book every day. It is very important for children to read every day at this stage in development. How many times have you heard the phrase practice makes perfect. Just like practicing for any sport or activity…the more they read the more accurate and fluent they become. Use the support information that is in their RED folders to help guide them as they read.

Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough time in our day for me to meet with every group, so there will be times when your child brings home the same book. This is actually a good thing! Reading familiar books helps build confidence as well as fluency. To help build a love of reading, I also send home “free choice” books. These are books the kids are interested in and have chosen themselves. Most of the time I will try and send these home over the weekend.

The kids will get new spelling words this week and will be tested over the last 10 words on Friday. New spelling words: be, this, from, I, have

Mrs. Goodwin

Next Week News

I am excited to say I am just about finished with reading and math testing. We will begin our reading and math groups next week. In reading this allows me to work with each student on their specific reading level. In math we work in groups to reinforce whole group instruction. Thank you for being patient, we can now settle into our regular schedule 🙂

I sent home our first book order last week. I will keep it open until the last week in September. The easiest way to order is online. Just use our class code, so we get points to help build our class library.

Enjoy the weekend!

Mrs. Goodwin

R.E.D. Folders

Just a little note about our reading homework. During this time of year we are doing a lot of testing to determine your child’s reading level. I have already started sending home books so they can get in the habit of reading every day. The books that I am sending home may not be the perfect fit for your child. It may be too hard or it may be too easy. Once everyone is tested we will form our reading groups and start sending home leveled books. Don’t forget…practice makes perfect 🙂 The more they read the better reader they become!

Mrs. Goodwin


New Spelling Words

The kids got their first set of spelling words today. We will get five words each week and test on Fridays. Please practice them each night both verbally and written.

Thank you for all your help!

Mrs. Goodwin

Next Week

We have our first full week of school next week! Please make sure kids are getting to bed early and eating a good breakfast! They were worn out last week (so was Mrs. Goodwin) and we only had a two day week.

We are learning and practicing classroom and school procedures for the next couple weeks. Please remember no lunch visitors until after Labor Day.

Please write notes, transportation changes, or anything else you would like me to know in your child’s planner. This is the best line of daily communication, because I check them first thing in the morning. Please initial the planner daily, so I know you have seen it. We have already had such a great time together, I can’t wait to watch the rest of our year unfold!!!

Pictures coming soon!

Mrs. Goodwin

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